Collection: Dried Neem Leaves and Ayurvedic Tea

Dried Neem Leaves and Ayurvedic Tea -Our Neem leaves are of the best quality and fantastic for making your own Neem leave tea. Equally Neem leaves are used in multiple ways as listed on the order page.

Ayurvedic Tea- this is an amazing recipe created by Sidney and smells totally amazing. I personally like to add the honey to drink, but equally love as an infusion to inhale. 

As I discovered using essential oils with animals sometimes they need orally and other times by inhalations. Inhalations enters the brain and balances emotions more quickly. Horses have an amazing way of showing us by flare their nostrils using their vomeronasal organ. (Sadly we loose this ability in the fetal stage)!

2 products
  • Fresh Dried Neem Leaves
    Fresh Dried Neem Leaves
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Ayurvedic Tea with Neem SPECIAL OFFER 100g for the price of 50g
    Ayurvedic Tea with Neem SPECIAL OFFER 100g for the price of 50g
    Regular price
    Sale price